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SCIENTISTS: Solve pesticides from fruits with the help of one ingredient from the kitchen!

By: ExtraFunnyPicture On: November 06, 2017
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  • American scientists claim that the ingredient housewives have in the kitchen - baking soda, effective in washing pesticides from fruits.
    "In America, the amount of pesticides in apples is under constant control," says Lili He, one of the main authors of this study.
    Scientists point out that fruit is absorbing pesticides and that it can be washed with baking soda. However, no one has measured how far pesticides have penetrated the fruit.
    "We first devoted ourselves to the study to determine how deep pesticides have penetrated into the fruit and to what extent they can be washed away," said He, adding that she and her colleagues used organic apples in experiments.
    They fed fruit with the highest permitted amount of pesticides in accordance with the rules. Then they tried to wash them with plain water and soda bikarbon.
    After a fifteen-minute flush with baking soda, almost all chemicals were removed from the fruit surface, but some still remained deep in the fruit. Even the baking soda has not reached it so far.
    "The apple bark is full of nutrients, but there are plenty of pesticides in it. When you eat an apple, you can choose whether to peel it or not. However, you can not apply it to fruits like grapes or vegetables like spinach, "said He.
    One of the methods is the dipping of fruit in water, sea salt and lemon juice for a period of ten minutes.


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