Monday 6 November 2017

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SCIENTIFIC EVIDENCE: Dogs can not sleep when they are under stress!

By: ExtraFunnyPicture On: November 06, 2017
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  • Although we thought that we can not sleep peacefully because of stress, research has confirmed this for our pets.

    A study published by a foreign science journal showed that dogs can not normally sleep under stress. Dogs were exposed to positive and negative emotional experiences before bedtime, such as pampering the owner with love or approaching a predator alien.

    The results showed that dogs exposed to positive experiences had a deeper and more peaceful sleep, while dogs who had experienced stress before bed were prone to waking, staying in the REM phase of sleep and generally poor quality sleep.

    It is, however, interesting that, on average, dogs who had negative sleeping experiences actually could sleep faster than other dogs, which, according to scientists, are in line with human behavior.


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