Monday 6 November 2017

SCIENTIFIC EVIDENCE: Dogs can not sleep when they are under stress!

By: ExtraFunnyPicture On: November 06, 2017
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  • Although we thought that we can not sleep peacefully because of stress, research has confirmed this for our pets.

    A study published by a foreign science journal showed that dogs can not normally sleep under stress. Dogs were exposed to positive and negative emotional experiences before bedtime, such as pampering the owner with love or approaching a predator alien.

    The results showed that dogs exposed to positive experiences had a deeper and more peaceful sleep, while dogs who had experienced stress before bed were prone to waking, staying in the REM phase of sleep and generally poor quality sleep.

    It is, however, interesting that, on average, dogs who had negative sleeping experiences actually could sleep faster than other dogs, which, according to scientists, are in line with human behavior.

    SCIENTISTS: Solve pesticides from fruits with the help of one ingredient from the kitchen!

    By: ExtraFunnyPicture On: November 06, 2017
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  • American scientists claim that the ingredient housewives have in the kitchen - baking soda, effective in washing pesticides from fruits.
    "In America, the amount of pesticides in apples is under constant control," says Lili He, one of the main authors of this study.
    Scientists point out that fruit is absorbing pesticides and that it can be washed with baking soda. However, no one has measured how far pesticides have penetrated the fruit.
    "We first devoted ourselves to the study to determine how deep pesticides have penetrated into the fruit and to what extent they can be washed away," said He, adding that she and her colleagues used organic apples in experiments.
    They fed fruit with the highest permitted amount of pesticides in accordance with the rules. Then they tried to wash them with plain water and soda bikarbon.
    After a fifteen-minute flush with baking soda, almost all chemicals were removed from the fruit surface, but some still remained deep in the fruit. Even the baking soda has not reached it so far.
    "The apple bark is full of nutrients, but there are plenty of pesticides in it. When you eat an apple, you can choose whether to peel it or not. However, you can not apply it to fruits like grapes or vegetables like spinach, "said He.
    One of the methods is the dipping of fruit in water, sea salt and lemon juice for a period of ten minutes.

    The quest in the beginning condemned to failure: "The police are looking for Jesus for the attack on the Jedi"!

    By: ExtraFunnyPicture On: November 06, 2017
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  • The Scottish police are asking citizens for any information about an assassinated masked man in Jesus who wore a witch in the night seriously injuring a man in a Star Wars star jersey, in the city of Dandi.

    "A man in jordan costume was attacked and transferred to the hospital," the police announced on an incident that took place early Wednesday morning near the student center.

    "We are looking for a man in his 20s, 178 centimeters high, medium, long brown hair and beard," the police say.

    A deputy spokesman told the dpa that it was a serious attack because the victim had a broken hinge, reports Hina.

    He confirmed that the attacker in the Night of the Witch was masked in Jesus.

    I WILL GET YOU IN THE EYES: It's cute that hip hop!

    By: ExtraFunnyPicture On: November 06, 2017
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  • The video was made in the US state of Ohio, the city of Cincinnati, and shows a decoy that just filled for 90 years.

    When someone is too busy and still standing on his feet, he and you have some reason to celebrate. He turned his cap and danced as if he did not exist tomorrow.

    IN THIS OWN YOU WANT TO BELIEVE: 5 myths about the female body!

    By: ExtraFunnyPicture On: November 06, 2017
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  • Can girls get pregnant during their period? Do men and women need the same amount of sleep? We present you the biggest misconceptions about the body of a woman in which most of us still believe.
    The hymen is not a seal
    Even if she uses a magnifying glass that magnifies ten times, a doctor can not with certainty be sure to distinguish a virgin from sexually active girls, according to several studies. - Some people think it's a hymn like a seal that stays until a girl loses her virginity, but it's just not true, says Dr. Rachel Wrimen of the University of Indiana.
    Antibiotics reduce the effect of contraceptive pills
    Contraceptive pills do not work in just one percent of cases, and this rate of failure is unchanged even when a large dose of antibiotics is used. A possible exception may be rifampicin, an antibiotic that is prescribed in the treatment of tuberculosis.
    Men and women need the same amount of sleep
    A study by Vorvik University in 2007, which included more than 6,000 respondents, found that women who sleep five or less hours during the night have twice as high risk of hypertension than women who sleep for seven or more hours. There is no such connection between men.
    Menopause reduces desire for sex
    A comprehensive study of sexual habits in the United States, by Edward Lauman, showed that half the women surveyed in the 1950s had sexual intercourse several times a month. - While valuns and other inconveniences that occur during menopause make women feel unattractive and unattainable, there is no direct relationship between menopause and sexual desire, says Vriman.
    A woman can not get pregnant during her period
    Although chances are minimal for women to get pregnant during menstruation, the possibility still exists. Once in a woman's body, sperm can wait for fertilization eggs for up to a week.


    By: ExtraFunnyPicture On: November 06, 2017
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  • Another brainstorm that requires you to crack your brain coughs has surfaced on the Internet.

    Based on the sketch, can you estimate which tank will first be filled with water?

    Do you know the solution?

    SEEK WITH CHANGES: Here are five tips to help you easily accept the daily challenges of life and improve yourself!

    By: ExtraFunnyPicture On: November 06, 2017
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  • If you want to improve the quality of life, you need to grow and mature every day. Also, you have to face the changes and accept something you have thought to be completely unacceptable.
    Here are five tips to help you easily accept the everyday troubles of life and improve yourself!
    1. Accept the difficulties
    If it's easy, everyone can do it! Try hard, for, remember, sometimes it is not the alien resistance that pulls us back, but our personal.
    2. It's just a phase
    Have you changed your job and now you have to adapt to the new environment? Do not worry, anyone who changes a job is in the same situation, and it's just a phase that does not last long, but requires a little time to get into other tasks and meet new colleagues.
    3. Do not understand everything in person
    When you change, people around you have to adapt to it. It's the same with others. For example, if you changed the date of seeing with a friend, and she can not adapt to the new idea, do not understand it as her anger and the desire not to be according to your. And other people have their schedules, you will fit in some other way.
    4. Make yourself surrounded by positivity
    When you take the risk or make a drastic change in your life, it will not help if you constantly think about failure. At that point, you need to be positive, which you can draw from friends, support, and even good music. Just be careful, do not behave in your positivity as if you have a blind eye, but stay real, but with positive thoughts.
    5. Be ready to end some connections
    As you grow and mature, it becomes clear to you that some relationships, emotional or friendly, will have to weaken or even completely disappear. It's not weird, because everyone goes their own way, it can be difficult, but this moment you should not be experiencing anything traumatic. The new connections that you will achieve will be based on a higher, mature level, because you are more mature, and therefore will last longer.